Create Teacher ID Card
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What is an ID Card?
An ID card, abbreviation for Identity Card is a card which serves as a proof of a person’s identity. It is a small sized card which is very easy to carry. It is so small that you can even carry it in your pocket.
What is a teacher ID Card?
A teacher’s ID Card as the name suggests is possessed by any individual who is working in the capacity of a teacher at a particular organization or institute. It is a proof that the person carrying the card is a member of the faculty of the stated institute.
Features of Teachers ID Card
There are multiple features which are included in the teacher’s ID card. We will move on by highlighting those features.
- School/college/University logo: The ID card is two sided, each side revealing its appropriate details. On the front is placed the logo of the school, college or university where the teacher is currently providing his services.
- Name of teacher: Next in line comes the name of the teacher and not to forget complete name must be mentioned with the correct spellings.
- Photo: A small but visible picture of the teacher is placed in the center of the card.
- Qualification: Next comes the area of specialization of the teacher. The specializes area of teaching of the teacher must be mentioned.
- Date of joining: The date since when the teacher had started working at the institute must be mentioned.
The above mentioned features appear at the front side of the ID card. Now we will discuss some more features of the ID card, remembering that they appear at the backside of the card.
- School logo: This is one of the features which appears both at the front side and at the back side of the card.
- Email Address: The email address of the teacher assigned by the school must be mentioned.
- Contact number: Contact number of the school must be written. At least two numbers must be written.
- School address: Complete address of the institute must be mentioned.
- Signatures of the official authority: The card must be duly signed by both the teacher and the official authority of the institute.
- Terms and conditions: It is important to state certain terms and conditions laid by institute with respect to card issuance.