Create Press ID Card
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Other Similar Templates
Some other templates similar to this one are also available here. If you would like to create your ID CARD using one of these templates, visit the following.
The Press ID card is possessed by a media person. He or she is a member of the specific news channel working for the profitability of the channel.
Features of press ID card
At the top most the word PRESS is imprinted in bold letters.
Photo: Beneath it the photograph of the individual is pasted.
Employee name: The employees name is written beneath the photograph.
Designation: The specific designation of the press for the employee works is written.
Membership date: The date since the employee became the member of the press is written.
Expiration date: The date of card expiry is also mentioned.
Date of birth: The date of birth of the individual is written.
Contact number: Contact number of the individual is mentioned.
Blood group: Blood group of the individual is also recorded in the employee’s card.
Logo: The logo of the press company is imprinted at the bottom.
All these features define the front side of the card. Now moving forward by putting light on the back side features.
The logo of the press is imprinted at the top of the card on the back side. The address of the press company is written along with contact details. Any specific email ID assigned by the press company to the employee is mentioned.
Furthermore and URL link is also written at the back. There are certain terms and condition pertaining to the card holder, these are also mentioned on the back side of the card.