Create Medical Doctor ID Card
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The medical doctor ID card serves as a proof of a particular person working as a doctor at a specific institute. The doctor must have his ID card with him when he is the hospital premises. A doctor plays an important role in the health maintenance of its people. He is someone who is to serve with full dedication.
Logo of the hospital must be placed at the top of the card.
A clear picture of the doctor must be placed at the center of the card.
Area of specialization:
Beneath the picture, the area of specialization of the doctor must be written. For example, oncologist, cardiologist etc.
License Number:
The license number under which the individual is currently practicing as a doctor must be written.
Date of issuance:
The date of issuance of the card must be written.
Date of expiry:
The date on which the card will expire must be written.
At the bottom of the card, in bold and capital letter DOCTOR must be written.
At the backside the terms and conditions of the card necessary for the card holder must be written down.
The name of the hospital is also mentioned at the back side along with the complete address of the hospital.
The contact number must also be mentioned at which the doctor can be connected with oneself easily.
Signature of relevant authority along with its position must also be written.
Email address of the doctor must also be written.