Create Hospital Staff ID Card
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A hospital like any other organization has innumerable employees who work in various capacities in the hospital. Issuing ID cards to each employee is the responsibility of the hospital so that they may be recognized as employees of the hospital. The hospital staff ID card is one such card that represents that the holder of the card is an employee working in the hospital.
Features of hospital staff ID card
Logo: The very first and foremost position on the card is that of the logo of the hospital at the top.
Photo: Under the logo is pasted the picture of the employee.
Designation: Right beneath the picture is written the designation of the employee at the hospital.
Employee ID: Then comes the employee ID which is specific with respect to every employee working at the hospital.
Department: The particular department under which the employee comes is also written.
Date of issuance: The date of card issuance is written under this heading.
Expiry: The specific date at which the card would expire is mentioned under this heading.
Terms and conditions: Certain terms and conditions which apply only to the cardholder are written in bullets on the card.
Signatures: Signatures of the issuing authority are printed on the card.
Address: Complete address of the hospital is mentioned.
Contact details: The number or numbers of the hospital are mentioned under this heading.
Email: Email address is also written.
URL: Any specific website of the hospital is mentioned under this heading.