Create Employee ID Card
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What is an employee ID Card?
An employee ID card is a card which reveals that a particular person is working in an organization in a certain capacity. It serves as a prove of his being part of the organization.
Characteristics of employee ID card:
The front side
- Logo: Logo of the organization is placed at the top of the card.
- Photo: Beneath it, comes the photo of the employee. The picture used must be very clear.
- Employee name: The employees name must be spelled correctly.
- Position: The designation or the position the employee holds at the organization must be mentioned.
- Employee ID: A specific ID is assigned to each employee working in any organization. The ID must be mentioned.
- Date of joining: Employees date of joining the organization must be stated.
- Date of expiration: The date at which the card will expire must be written.
The back side
The backside of the card contains minimal information but is also an important part of the card. It also like the front side has the organizational logo. Moreover, it contains information like the office address, employees email ID and his contact number. At the back side you can even mention the terms and conditions for the card holder regarding the card. It is essential for every employee to carry his employee card each time he arrives and leaves the office premises as it is a proof of his identity as an employee of the organization.