Create Business Staff ID Card
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Other Similar Templates
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The business staff ID card is one such card that represents that an individual is a member of the staff of a particular business.
Features of the Business staff ID card
The front side of the card
- Logo: The logo of the business is placed at the extreme right side of the card, beneath which is written the business name.
- Photo: On the left-hand side of the logo, the picture of the employee is pasted.
- Complete name: Under the picture is written the complete name of the staff member.
- Designation: Next comes the designation, which is written under the name of the employee.
- Gender: The gender of the employee is written here.
- Expiry: The specific date on which the card would expire is mentioned here.
- Date of birth: The date of birth of the employee is written under this heading.
- Contact: The contact number of the employee is written here.
- Blood group: The blood group of the employee is mentioned under this heading.
- ID number: At the extreme bottom left corner of the card, the specific ID number is assigned to the employee. It is written in bold letters.
The backside of the card
- Terms and conditions: The specific terms and conditions that are associated with the employee are written here.
- Logo: Under the terms and conditions heading, the logo of the company is again pasted.
- Signatures: The signatures of the relevant authority along with its position in the organization are mentioned here.
- Address: Companies address and email id is also written at the backside of the card.
- URL: The website address of the company is also mentioned.